Friday, May 2, 2008


A couple of years ago, I began walking the spiral path of the labyrinth. Alone and with others, I found on that path: gratitude, a deepening sense of connection with God, and a growing awareness of how I might live, with mindfulness and intention, toward God and toward the others I encounter on the path - of the labyrinth, and of life.

For many years, I have also written on the pages of a spiral notebook. Like the labyrinth, my spiral-bound journals have held my reflections about life while also giving me a fresh and daily awareness that the contours and content of my life are being held and shaped by God.

Now, I am about to enter yet another spiral path. For the next four months, I will enter a Sabbatical Season: a time away and apart from the relationships and responsibilities of my work, as a pastor... a time to move toward and into the relationships and experiences of family and friends, of leisure and travel, of encountering strangers and becoming re-acquainted with the stranger within...a time to search out experiences that will bring joy and delight...a time to experiment and explore, to remember and to be renewed, in body, mind and spirit.

The spiral path of my Sabbatical will begin on the evening of Pentecost, when I will board a plane in Toronto and be carried to Paris, France. From there I will travel, by train, to Taize, entering into the prayers and practices of this ecumenical community for a trinity of days. My soul awakened and nourished, I will travel back to Paris, to connect with Lindsay, who is finishing up her study-abroad experience in Nantes, and with Jack, who will fly over to meet us. From there, we’ve planned a month, to explore the sights, sounds, fragrances, tastes and textures of France.

Entering the season of Sabbatical seems as fitting a time as any to enter the sphere of blogging, as well. Led and inspired by my intrepid daughter, who has kept us informed, amused, and delighted by posting to her blog, many of her experiences, in words and pictures, I will begin this practice….and see what happens. thespiralnotebook is intended to be a place of reflection and hospitality, among family, friends, church members, colleagues, and strangers.

May you be blessed,


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