Sunday, November 28, 2010


Yes, it's a sunfish sailboat, in our sanctuary. In ancient times, artists used to portray the church with the image of a we did, too. On the final Sunday of our series from Unbinding Your Heart, we imagined ourselves, the wind of God's Spirit, filling our sails, crossing over, with well-tended spiritual lives, to an ever-deeper faith. With eyes and hearts open, receptive to what's next, we envisioned crossing over to share our faith with people who do not yet know God’s love.

When we started this adventure, six weeks ago, no one knew what God would do, if we started praying like we never prayed before, if we gathered in small groups for conversation about why it matters that we are Christians. When we started this adventure, six weeks ago, our boat was rocking gently on placid water, ripples just beginning to flow out from our center.

Who knew that God would bring new people into our lives and deepen the relationships among us? Who could imagine the spark that would expand our worship life? Who expected the flow of faith stories, shared from the heart, awakening us to God's activity in our lives? Who would have guessed that our small groups would not disband after six weeks, but would value what they shared together so deeply, that they would find a way to continue? Who anticipated new ministries emerging, as the Spirit whispered in listening ears and open hearts?

Attraversiamo is an Italian word that means 'let's cross over.' In her book, Eat, Pray, Love, Elizabeth Gilbert calls it her favorite Italian word, as she describes dragging her friends across the crazy traffic of Rome. If Italian had been Jesus' native language, we'd find this word sprinkled all over the gospels, for Jesus often crossed over to people and places that needed to be touched, to be blessed by God's love. In this painting, by our resident artist Chip Stevens, Jesus is crossing the Sea of Galilee, where his disciples are caught in a storm. In a brash moment, one of them, Peter, stepped out of the boat, believing, he too could walk on water. When fear got the best of him, and he started to sink, Jesus reached out to steady him. Peter and his friends found, in Jesus, a companion they could trust, whose love and faithfulness would cross over the chaos of a stormy sea to steady them.

Who knew that over the six weeks of Unbinding Your Heart, we too would experience Jesus, crossing over to us...with courage that deepened our faith...with love that opened our hearts...with compassion that steadied us, as we stretched and took risks, together. And, who knows what will happen next?! Attraverisamo...let's cross!


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