This, week, I have been thinking about our eyes as windows to the soul, and wondering...what are the people and experiences that open our imaginations to see differently? I remember a day, many years ago, shortly after our family had moved to Princeton. My children and I were doing an errand on the campus of the seminary, when Lindsay's attention was drawn to a weeping willow tree. She loved the long, slender branches that reached all the way down where she could touch them, dance in them, play with them. This was a type of tree she had never experienced before....or so she thought. A short time later, we were back in Harrisburg, PA, where we had lived before moving to Princeton. On the drive to our church in Hershey, Lindsay was gazing out of the car windows at the golf course bordering the church. "Look!" she suddenly exclaimed. "Weeping willow trees!" Yes, there they were: trees she had seen many times before, but now she knew them, differently. Now, she saw them in the light of her playful experience with the willow tree at Princeton.
Can you name a time when you saw something familiar, but you saw it as if for the first time?
Today, as we move into the second week of Advent, it is time to light two candles. The first is the candle of hope. The second is the candle of comfort.
Read Isaiah 40:1-11 and let the images in the text invite your soul to ponder what God wants you to see.....
Offer a prayer and ask God to open the window of your imagination to help you see what you never saw before. It has been said that, "Sometimes the view from someone else's window brings light into our own." Ask God to reveal to you, today, the people or stories or activities that could be a window to your soul.
Advent blessings,
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